Hundreds Gather To Commemorate Tito With Flowers And Nostalgia

The 31st anniversary of the death of Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito has been marked by crowds in Serbia and Croatia, while others chose to recall his message of brotherhood in a more joyful way.

Earlier this month, large numbers of the late president’s supporters gathered at Tito’s tomb in Belgrade. Hundreds more flocked to his birthplace in Kumrovec, Croatia, to lay wreaths and commemorate his death on May 4, 1980.

Meanwhile, memories were awakened in the Istrian holiday town of Umag as a colourful convoy left on a nostalgic road trip from Croatia to Serbia to commemorate the annual Youth Day pioneer relays to honour Tito. The appropriately named Tito bar was the starting point for the cars plastered with the slogan ‘Bratstvo i Jedinstvo’ (Brotherhood and Unity) and portraits of Tito.

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Nominees Announced For Regional MTV Movie Awards

Film fans in Serbia and the Balkan states are being encouraged to vote in the first regional Gorki List MTV Movie Awards, when local talent will be acknowledged for the first time in the event.

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“We Are The Best, Don’t Doubt It” Guca Legend Boban Marković Says

Boban Markovic (Credit below)

Bravado and bold statements abound as the Balkan Brass Battle prepares to roll into town. The two best Gypsy brass bands are squaring up for a flamboyant musical showdown the likes of which hasn’t been seen on stage. (Balkan Brass Battle: Interview Part 1)

For two hours nightly, Serbia’s Boban & Marko Marković Orchestra will sound-off against Fanfare Ciocarlia from Romania to see who can blow hottest and hardest in a marathon battle royal currently touring Europe. Each orchestra will play their heart out in a battle to blow the other band off stage, with the crowd’s enthusiasm declaring the winner Heavyweight Champion of Balkan Brass.   

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“Marko Is A Better Player Than I Am” Trumpet Maestro Boban Marković Says

When Guča legend Boban Marković shared leadership of his orchestra with teenage son Marko, it could have gone horribly wrong. Mutual respect ensured any tensions were avoided and it even enhanced the Boban & Marko Marković Orchestra. (Balkan Brass Battle: Intrvw Part 2)

“I formally passed the Orchestra to Marko for his 18th birthday but I am still here, and I know this is very important for Marko,’ Boban told W!LD RooSTeR. “But I did not pass the baton to Marko, we share it. He is the main composer and arranger now, but I am his guide. We love working together.”

Can pride flip into healthy competition between father and son? Boban explained the dynamic: “Not really. I admit that Marko is a better player than I am but he still has many things to learn from me, in several fields. He gives a lot to me, I give him a lot. It is fair, I think.”

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