Serbian actor Slaven Došlo is primed for his first international film roles

Slaven Doslo headThe world is calling for award-winning Serbian actor Slaven Došlo, who plans to shoot his first English-language role this summer.

Scripts have been rolling in since the charismatic star of acclaimed films Pored Mene, Panama and Vlažnost was crowned a rising star of European cinema with his first international acting award.

Even before his next film Biser Bojana (dir. Milan Karadžić) opens in cinemas on 16 February, Slaven will be meeting with producers to progress two international film projects.

“If everything goes well it looks like I should be shooting my first role in English this summer,’ said Slaven. “There’s a whole world out there and I want to deliver roles that appeal to English-speaking audiences.”

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Young Serb Slaven Došlo fronts frothy Montenegrin rom-com Biser Bojane

BB2Watersports, young love and the natural beauty of Montenegro share the screen in the frothy rom-com Biser Bojane, which opens across the Balkans on 16 February.

The latest film from director Milan Karadžić features internationally acclamed Serbian actor Slaven Došlo in a light-hearted story of summer love and family drama set in some of Montenegro’s most stunning landscapes.

Biser Bojana is Slaven’s first film of 2017, a year in which the popular Serbian actor hopes to take on his first English-language role.

In Biser Bojane, the award-winning actor from Sombor plays Đorđa Popović, a sporty young Belgrade doctor, Slaven explained.

“Djordje was raised by his grandmother in the urban surroundings of Belgrade. But he is not entirely a town person. He loves bird watching and being alone in his thoughts.

“He loves his grandmother, although she is putting a lot of pressure on him to change and be more open to other people, especially girls. He is coping with it all quite well, but everything changes when he realises that his grandmother is not the only family he has.

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Berlin sees Red. Branko Tomović takes directorial debut to German film festival

redposterGerman-born Serb Branko Tomović delivers his directorial debut to the Berlin Independent Film Festival, next month.

Red, the multi award-winning short film he wrote and directed in 2016, is a short dark thriller set in London’s underground world of illegal organ smuggling: the so-called red market.

Now living in London, this actor-director knows the pressure of screening his first film to a critical audience.

When the British-German co-production screens at the prestigious independent filmmakers’ event in Berlin, it will follow successful appearances at many international film festivals.

The 20-minute film, produced by Kaissar Film in Munich and London’s House Kino, tells of Niklas (

Branko Tomović), a guilt-ridden surgeon tormented by self-hatred, who harvests organs for the red market. Read more